九州大学大学院 総合理工学研究院 環境理工学部門 伊藤研究室
Kyushu University, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science


審査付論文(Peer-Review Journal)

論文タイトル 著者 発表誌 PDF
Exhaled Aerosol and Jet Flow Characterization During Nasal Sneezing H Salati, M Khamooshi, J Dong, Kazuhide Ito, D Fletcher, S Vahaji, Kiao Inthavong Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 22 (4), 2022, 210338 詳細なし
数値気道モデルを用いた気相アセトン呼吸時の前鼻腔性・後鼻腔性経路成分の同定 星山紗来,久我一喜,吉田伸治,伊藤一秀 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2022.08, Vol. 87, No. 798,pp 詳細なし
Multi-stage coupling of material flow analysis and indoor computational fluid dynamics for personal DEHP exposure concentration analysis Ryota Muta, Sung-Jun Yoo, Hyuntae Kim, T Matsumoto, Kazuhide Ito Indoor and Built Environment, Accepted 詳細なし
SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics in the Mucus Layer of the Human Upper Respiratory Tract Based on Host-Cell Dynamics Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito Sustainability, 2022, 14 (7), 3896 詳細なし
Rigorous mathematical formulation of net escape velocity and net escape probability determins a macroscopic concentration Naoki Ikegaya, Mats Sandberg and Kazuhide Ito Indoor Air, 2022;32 (7): e13072 詳細なし
Transport and deposition of inhaled man-made vitreous and asbestos fibers in realistic human respiratory tract models: An in-silico study Nguyen Dang Khoa, Nguyen Lu Phuong, Ken Takahashi and Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.4, no.4, in Press 詳細なし
居住環境におけるマイクロプラスチック濃度評価のための分析プロトコル 田中浩史,Eunsu Lim,伊藤一秀 室内環境,2022, Vol.25, No.3, pp225-239 詳細なし
Spatial distributions of airborne transmission risk on commuter buses: Numerical case study using computational fluid and particle dynamics with computer-simulated persons Sung-Jun Yoo, Akira Kurokawa, Kazuhiko Matsunaga, and Kazuhide Ito Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, Accepted 詳細なし
Prediction of exhaled carbon dioxide concentration using a computer-simulated person that included alveolar gas exchange Kazuki Kuga, Mitsuharu Sakamoto, Pawel Wargocki, Kazuhide Ito Indoor Air, 2022;32 (8) e13079 詳細なし
Numerical models for seamlessly predicting internal diffusion and re-emission of leaked liquid toluene from indoor mortar materials Hiroshi Harashima, Eisaku Sumiyoshi, and Kazuhide Ito Journal of Building Engineering, 57 (2022) 104976 詳細なし
Error analysis of human inhalation exposure simulation in industrial workshop Yukun Wang, Xiong Shen, Sung-Jun Yoo, Zhengwei Long, Kazuhide Ito Building and Environment, Accepted 詳細なし
Impact of Indoor Ventilation Efficiency on Acetone Inhalation Exposure Concentration in Respiratory Tract Cong Li, Sung-Jun Yoo, and Kazuhide Ito Building Simulation, Accepted 詳細なし
Impact of heat generation and use of experimental instruments in a fume hood on pollutant capture efficiency Ryota Muta and Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp702-713 詳細なし
Internal diffusion and re-emission of leaked liquid ethyl acetate from mortar materials Hiroshi Harashima, Eisaku Sumiyoshi, and Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp672-681 詳細なし
Microplastics / Microfibers in settled indoor house dust- Exploratory case study for 10 residential houses in the Kanto area of Japan Eunsu Lim, Hirofumi Tanaka, Gen Ni, Yuen Bai, Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp682-690 詳細なし
Influence of inlet turbulent condition on the formation mechanism of local scalar concentrations Haruna Yamasawa, Teruaki Hirayama, Ryota Muta, Kazuki Kuga, Tomohiro Kobayashi, and Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp691-701 詳細なし
Five years after the first JAR issue and the next 5 years, New editorial policy, Papers of the Year 2021, and the newly established award - The Most Cited Paper, Editorial Kazuhide Ito and Shin-ichi Tanabe Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp371-372 詳細なし
Validation, verification, and quality control of computational fluid dynamics analysis for indoor environments using a computer-simulated person with respiratory tract Sung-Jun Yoo, and Kazuhide Ito Japan Architectural Review, 2022, Vol.5, no.4, pp714-727 詳細なし
Determination of age of air, purging flow rate, and net escape velocity within a cross ventilation model sheltered by urban-like block arrays using large-eddy simulations Naoki Ikegaya, Ken Bryan Fernandez, Qingyan Chen, and Kazuhide Ito Building and Environment, Accepted 詳細なし
Computational Fluid Dynamics Verification of Nostril Augmentation Surgery for Bulldog with Nostril Stenosis Nguyen Dang Khoa, NL Phuong, K Tani, K Inthavong, Kazuhide Ito Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Accepted 詳細なし
高濃度短期暴露リスク評価のための非定常室内濃度分布予測手法の開発 第2報 屋内での液体化学物質漏洩を想定した経気道暴露濃度予測 住吉栄作,原嶋寛,伊藤一秀 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2023.04, Vol. 88, No.806, pp 詳細なし

国際会議(International Conference Paper)

論文タイトル 著者 発表誌 PDF
Regional deposition of inhaled nano-to-microscale particle in realistic upper respiratory tract under steady and transient breathing conditions Ryusei Kizuka, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics integrated with mucociliary transport in human upper airway Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
Regional deposition characteristics of fibrous particles compared to spherical particles in human upper airway - in silico case study Nguyen Dang Khoa, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
Integrated Modeling of CO2 Transport from Indoor to Alveolar Region for Elucidating Human CO2 Emission Mechanism Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
Numerical investigation of cough droplets dispersion dynamics in indoor environment: Effect of oral cavity shape Takumi Nishihara, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
Formation of Acetone concentration distribution around breathing zone and transport efficiency to olfactory epithelium cells Sara Hoshiyama, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito COBEE 2022, Montiol, Canada, 2022, pp 詳細なし
Numerical investigation of pollutant capture and ventilation efficiencies in laboratory fume hood Ryota Muta, Kazuhide Ito Indoor Air 2022, Kuopio, Finland, June 2022, pp 詳細なし
Impact of room temperature on human carbon dioxide emission rates at different physical activity levels Kazuki Kuga, Pawel Wargocki, Kazuhide Ito Indoor Air 2022, Kuopio, Finland, June 2022, pp 詳細なし
CO2 emission rates from humans when sleeping and awake. Impact of environmental factors and age Pawel Wargocki, M Sakamoto, X Fan, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito, J Williams, G Beko Indoor Air 2022, Kuopio, Finland, June 2022, pp 詳細なし
Preliminary Investigation of Indoor Microplastic Concentrations in Japanese Residential Houses Eunsu Lim, Hirofumi Tanaka, and Kazuhide Ito Indoor Air 2022, Kuopio, Finland, June 2022, pp 詳細なし
Infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in musus later of the human nasal cavity-nasopharynx Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito Roomvent 2022, Xian, China, September 2011, pp 詳細なし
Development of three-dimentional clothing model for computer simulated person integrated with thermoregulation model Sena Hyodo, Kei Murota, Sung-Jun Yoo, K and Kazuhide Ito Roomvent 2022, Xian, China, September 2011, pp 詳細なし
Computational analysis of ultrafine and fine particle deposition mechanisms in human lower airway Nguyen Dang Khoa, Kazuhide Ito ACFD 2022, South Korea, October 16-19, pp 詳細なし
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Concentration Distributions in an Indoor Space Surrounded by Urban-like Block Arrays K. B. Fernandeza, Naoki Ikegaya, Kazuhide Ito ACFD 2022, South Korea, October 16-19, pp 詳細なし
Using CFD to develop a virtual human manikin for infection risk assessment Alicia Muraga, Kazuhide Ito, Makoto Tsubokura ACFD 2022, South Korea, October 16-19, pp 詳細なし
Indoor Thermal Comfort Assessment Using CFD-CSP Hybrid Analysis Hyun-Gyu Park, Sung-Jun Yoo, Eisaku Sumiyoshi, Hiroshi Harashima and Kazuhide Ito ACFD 2022, South Korea, October 16-19, pp 詳細なし
Three-Dimensional Modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Ventilation in Clothing Sena Hyodo, Sung-Jun Yoo and Kazuhide Ito ACFD 2022, South Korea, October 16-19, pp 詳細なし
Numerical Investigation of Fine particle Transportation and Deposition in the Human Lower Airway: Impact of airflow and particle size on deposition efficiency Nguyen Dang Khoa, Nguyen Lu Phuong, Kazuhide Ito IEICES 2022, IGSES, Kyushu University, pp 詳細なし


論文タイトル 著者 発表誌 PDF
日本工学アカデミーEAJ 政策共創推進委員会 国会議員との対話:衆議院議員 伊佐進一先生との対話 (インタビュー) 伊藤一秀 EAJレポート,2022.04 詳細なし
作業者に起因する擾乱はドラフトチャンバー捕集性能に影響を与えるか? 伊藤一秀 クリーンテクノロジー,日本工業出版 詳細なし
ウイルス対策としての換気 伊藤一秀 静電気学会誌,46; 4 (2022), pp 詳細なし
室内環境中での経気道感染を予測するin silicoモデルと可視化 伊藤一秀 臨床環境医学,2022 pp 詳細なし
コミュニケーションツールとしてみた空気流動シミュレーションの現状 伊藤一秀 建築雑誌,2022,10, pp 詳細なし

国内会議(Domestic Conference Paper)

論文タイトル 著者 発表誌 PDF
室内環境中での経気道感染を予測するin silicoモデルと可視化 伊藤一秀 日本臨床環境医学会 特別講演,2022.06,東京 詳細なし
熱交換と空気清浄を両立する複層竪ダクト型換気システム 第1報:プロトタイプモデルと顕熱交換効率と粒子除去性能の予備解析 王 欣,外川一,鄭 朱娟,劉 城準,伊藤 一秀 日本冷凍空調学会 年次大会,2022.09,岡山, 詳細なし
居住空間におけるマイクロプラスチック問題の実態調査 第3報:μFT-IR分析によるハウスダスト中のマイクロプラスチックの成分同定 倪源,イム ウンス,柏一凡,伊藤一秀,田中浩史,黒須俊治 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2022.9 詳細なし
居住空間におけるマイクロプラスチック問題の実態調査 第4報:LDIR分析によるハウスダスト中のマイクロプラスチックの成分同定と表面吸着成分 柏一凡,イム ウンス,倪源,伊藤一秀,田中浩史,黒須俊治 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2022.9 詳細なし
Large eddy simulation of droplet transport and inhalation exposure between interacting virtual humans Alicia Murga, Chung-Gang Li, Rahul Bale, Kazuhide Ito, Makoto Tsubokura 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2022.9 詳細なし
熱交換と空気清浄を両立する複層竪ダクト型換気システム 第1報:プロトタイプモデルと顕熱交換効率と粒子除去性能の予備解析 王欣,外川一,鄭朱娟,劉城準,伊藤一秀 日本冷凍空調学会 年次大会,2022.9,pp 詳細なし