審査付論文(Peer-Review Journal)
論文タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | |
Net Escape Velocity, Transfer Probability and Travel Time Distributions within a Cross-Ventilated Room Model Sheltered by Urban-Like Block Array | Ryu Itokazu, Ken Bryan Fernandez Kazuki Kuga, Naoki Ikegaya, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Toward occupant centric system: multicriteria optimization of hybrid displacement - personalized ventilation system using computational fluid dynamics with computer simulated person | Ken Bryan Fernandez, Sung-Jun Yoo, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Observational study of close contact behaviors in a multinational graduate student laboratory | Onkangi Ruth, Kazuki Kuga, Pawel Wargocki, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Allometric Comparison of Viral Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity-Nasopharyngeal Mucus Layer of Human and Rhesus Monkey by CFD-HCD Approach | Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, in Press | 詳細なし |
Effect of human body micro-movements on the formation of the breathing zone and thermal plume | Hyun-Gyu Park, Sung-Jun Yoo, Eisaku Sumiyoshi, Hiroshi Harashima, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Multi-layered ventilation duct system for heat exchange with air purification | Xin Wang, Qi Wang, SJ Yoo, J Chung, T Gomyo, H Sotokawa, K Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Complementary experiments on the effects of air temperature and background CO2 concentration on human metabolic CO2 emissions | Kazuki Kuga, Jiayi Zhu, Pawel Wargocki, Kazuhide Ito | Submitted | 詳細なし |
Ventilation strategies for inhalation exposure risk mitigation: Eulerian - Lagrangian LES of particle laden - turbulent flow analysis applying virtual manikins | Alicia Murga, Rahul Bale, Kazuhide Ito, Makoto Tsubokura | Submitted | 詳細なし |
Convective Heat Transfer and Drag Coefficients of Human Body in Multiple Crowd Densities and Configurations in Semi-outdoor Scenarios | Islam Abouelhamd, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Building and Environment, in Press | 詳細なし |
Numerical simulation-based reproducibility investigation and visualization of safety performance test of biological safety cabinet following NSF/ANSI 49 | Ryota Muta, Chika Ishizuka, Cong Li, Sung-Jun Yoo, and Kazuhide Ito | Submitted | 詳細なし |
Mathematical Modeling of Gas-phase Mass Transfer Model in Hydrous Materials for Total Heat Exchange Ventilator | Xin Wang, Taisaku Gomyo, Hajime Sotokawa, Sung-Jun Yoo, Juyeon Chung, Kazuhide Ito | Submitted | 詳細なし |
Oral configuration-dependent variability on the metrics of exhaled respiratory droplets during the consecutive coughing event | Nguyen Dang Khoa, Kazuma Nita, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Submitted | 詳細なし |
国際会議(International Conference Paper)
論文タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | |
Point-to-Point Scalar Transfer Efficiencies within a Cross-Ventilated Room Model Sheltered by Urban-Like Block Arrays | Ryu Itokazu, Ken Bryan Fernandez Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | ROOMVENT 2024, Sweden, 22-24 April, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Numerical modeling of airborne transmission from airway mucosa of infected person to that of uninfected individual via indoor airflow | Kazuhide Ito, and Kazuki Kuga | ROOMVENT 2024, Sweden, 22-24 April, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Effects on respiratory droplet generation and virus concentration of changes in oral opening geometry | Nguyen Dang Khoa, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Optimization of coupled displacement-personalized ventilation using CRITIC-TOPSIS method based on Taguchi design | Ken Bryan Fernandez, Sung-Jun Yoo, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Using virtual manikins to tackle particle transport and inhalation risk as-sessment under different advanced air distribution methods | Alicia Murga, Rahul Bale1, Kazuhide Ito, Makoto Tsubokura | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
The Change in Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Distributions of Human Bodies in a Crowded Event | Islam Abouelhamd, Junya Urashi, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Human Close Contact Behaviour in a Non-Homogenous Indoor Population | Ruth Onkangi, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Human physiological responses to indoor CO2 concentrations and the resulting reduction in CO2 emission rates | Kazuki Kuga, Jiayi, Zhu, Pawel Wargocki, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
In silico 3D ocular model integrating tear evaporation and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling | Teruaki Hirayma, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
The effect of micro-movement of a computer-simulated person on the formation of breathing zones | Hyun-Gyu Park, Sung-Jun Yoo, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | Indoor Air 2024, Hawaii, June, 2024, pp | 詳細なし |
Numerical Investigation of Inhalation Exposure to Droplets Generated by Speaking, The 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering | Kazuki Kuga and Kazuhide ito | ECCOMAS Congress 2024, June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, pp | 詳細なし |
High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics and Optimization Algorithms for Indoor Environmenta Design | Alicia Murga, Haruki Nakagawa, Rahul Bale, Kazuhide Ito, Makoto Tsubokura | ECCOMAS Congress 2024, June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, pp | 詳細なし |
Airborne Transmission Simulation by Unifying Infoor and Respiratory tract flows toward Indoor Environment Optimization | Makoto Tsubokura, Alicia Murga, Rahul Bale, Kazuhide Ito | CMBE2024, 24-26 June 2024, USA, pp | 詳細なし |
Numerical Study of Respiratory Droplets/Droplet Nuclei Generation via a Coughing Event Using Eulerian Wall Film model and Lagrangian Discrete Phase Model | Kazuma Nita, Nguyen Dang Khoa, Kasuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | ASIM 2024, Osaka | 詳細なし |
Determination of optimum settings for a hybrid ventilation system using TOPSIS score considering IEQ and energy requirements | Ken Bryan Fernandez, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | ASIM 2024, Osaka | 詳細なし |
HPC-CFD Based Optimization of Indoor Environment to Minimize Airborne Contaminants | Makoto Tsubokura, Rahul Bale1, Alicia Murga, Kazuhide Ito, Mario Ruttgers, Andreas Lintermann | Workshop and Advancements of Global Challenges Applications, AGCA - PPAM 2024 | 詳細なし |
国内会議(Domestic Conference Paper)
論文タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | |
室内環境におけるマイクロプラスチックの実態調査 その1 室内環境におけるマイクロプラスチック成分と表面吸着SVOC成分の調査 | イムウンス,竹内仁哉,柏一凡,小笠原岳,竹村明久,金勲,伊藤一秀 | 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集,2024.9,D-2,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
室内環境におけるマイクロプラスチックの実態調査 その2 単身世帯を対象とした室内マイクロプラスチック調査と発生源特定に関する予備調査 | 竹内仁哉,イムウンス,柏一凡,小笠原岳,竹村明久,金勲,伊藤一秀 | 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集,2024.9,D-2,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
サーマルマネキンを用いた経気道・経皮曝露量評価に関する実験的研究 その1 閉鎖空間でのトルエン曝露実験 | 原嶋 寛,住吉栄作,伊藤一秀 | 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2024.9,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
サーマルマネキンを用いた経気道・経皮曝露量評価に関する実験的研究 その2 簡易マネキン形状を用いたCFD解析による曝露実験の再現性検討 | 原嶋 寛,住吉栄作,伊藤一秀 | 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2024.9,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
Computational Modeling and Deposition Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Particles Assuming Microplastic/Micro-fiber in Realistic Human Respiratory System | Yuan Ni, Eunsu Lim, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito | 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2024.9,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
In Silico Analysis of Viral Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity of Monkey and Comparison with the Results for Human Subject | Yuichiro Suda, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide ito | 空気調和衛生工学会講演論文集,2024.9,pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
就寝時二酸化炭素呼出量に対する室内二酸化炭素濃度の影響 | 伊藤丈留,久我一喜,Xiaojun Fan, Pawel Wargocki,伊藤一秀 | 室内環境学会学術大会講演集,2024.12, pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
連成CFD-PBPK解析による電子煙草使用に伴う有害汚染物質のOrtho-ならびにRetro-吸入曝露リスク評価 | 平山瑛章,久我一喜,伊藤一秀 | 室内環境学会学術大会講演集,2024.12, pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
定常流れ場条件下でのスカラ輸送方程式の連立数と解析可能な室内換気効率指標 | 糸数立,久我一喜,伊藤一秀 | 室内環境学会学術大会講演集,2024.12, pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |
Eulerian Wall FilmモデルとLagrangian Discrete Phaseモデルを用いた気道内飛沫・飛沫核生成及び室内拡散の数値解析 | 仁田一真,Nguyen Dang Khoa,久我一喜,伊藤一秀 | 室内環境学会学術大会講演集,2024.12, pp ??-?? | 詳細なし |